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Because I never want you to miss a day

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Well Played

(D watching tv hoarding toys in his arms while Zeke anxiously awaits a turn with the laser)
Me: D if you are holding that toy and not actually playing with it you need to give Zeke a turn.
(Keeps starring at TV but begins to mindlessly tap with laser to look like he's playing)

Well played? Lol

Friday, May 30, 2014


Knows the name if every card that he has had for less than an 2 hours.


But happy- that's progress 

Thursday, May 29, 2014



"Nonni, you're not gonna like this. Braelyn is coloring on the wall in the libing room."
He knows me so well

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fun with Neighbors

First a water gun fight

Then capture the flag---sad because he was in "jail"

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Good guys and bad guys lined up after taking an hour to build the castle.

OCD at its best! 


"Nonni, I really need to honest you something."

When he has to tell me about myself- when I've hurt his feelings or he is upset by something he didn't get to guess is it's from me saying "thank you for being honest with me." Lol


You should hear the moans, weeping and whining coming from the 4 year old's room.

Sooooooooo dramatic!
He actually crawled out to me saying "I. Am. So. Tired. I. Can't. Clean. My room." I wish I'd have captured it on video to win an Emmy!

#whereismyrealityshow I am typing he walks out and announces in a normal voice "my room is ALL clean!"

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


So excited for the field trip 


"Nonni, we have a problem...look how deez clothes jus jumped on to me!"

This is now a game. At first I was irritated because I don't want him to be late...thank God I stopped myself- looked at the child that is trying to make me laugh- and laughed! He is a joy and delight- and not even close to being late.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014

When I grow up

"When I grow up I'm going to be a murdercycle driver instead of a super hero...yep...that's what I'm thinking about!"



Wednesday, May 14, 2014



"That was not nice you bad king...I'm going to spank his booty when I get in dat movie!" -about King Triton in The Little Mermaid

Monday, May 12, 2014



"Poppi, your kid is a sass mouth right here (thumb to his chest)"

Why are you a sass mouth?

(Stated as a matter of fact)"'Cause I didn't get ma way!"


"Nonni, it smells like a bad fart in here!"


D is one of the pickiest kids I know.
I want to look back and remember this because I know he won;t always be this way. I hope.

The extensive list of foods he will eat:
Hard boiled eggs (only white part) with salt
Cheese (sticks, cubes, shredded, sliced. American, Colby/Cheddar, and Mozzarella)
Pepperoni (70%less fat Turkey full sized)
Pasta (elbow, thin spaghetti...plain with a touch of olive oil {which he thinks is butter) and salt)
Scrambled eggs (no brown, light and fluffy)
Bacon (no burnt)
New York Garlic toast (no crust)
Pizza (cheese or Pepperoni)
Macaroni and cheese (only instant micro or blue box)

Captain Crunch Berries
Honey Nut Cheerios

Pop Tarts

Will eat if he has to:
Peanut butter jelly sandwich (no crust, light jelly) *I said I'd never cut the crust of my kids sandwich; I was wrong
green beans
mandarin oranges

Lays Chips
Munchos Chips
candy that's not sour

Restaurant Choices:
The Loop- Pepperoni pizza
Chick-fil-a- only fries
Wendys, McD, and BK: Nuggets kids meal
Chips & Queso (only likes queso if it's white)
May eat a quesadilla if you're lucky
Shane's Rib Shack-fries and garlic toast

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Me: Do you need a tissue?

D: No thank you. I don't need a tissue. Tissues don't get boogers out berry good. Only fingers can get boogers out. My fingers are berry expensive and so they can get boogers out reaaaally good.



He said this was the beat day of his life! I thought "I need to get this kid out more!" Lol

Trip to Walmart where he got a Mario towel 
Pool Party with his team

Friday, May 9, 2014

Silly String


D-I am super cranky! Can you say super cranky?
Me-Super cranky.
D-Good job. I need to take a nap for like 100 minutes. Okay? You got that? Oonnee huuuundred minutes.

This kid!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


We read lots of cards and he chose exactly the right card for each person he loved.  The card to his Mommy had a button on it, which he collects.  The best is when I read a card about "I wish I was there give you an hug etc..." and I said who do you want to give this to? He shouted "Daddy!" several people around us chuckled...I could not tell him no. So, this year daddy got a Happy Mother's Day Grandma card!

Handwriting is tough

but he did it!

Friday, May 2, 2014


We are going out of town and my little OCD bit is about to lose his mind! 

But it won't be the same as my house!