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Because I never want you to miss a day

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Days

Through the years

Just David

D: This looks like one of the most boring #books ever, it doesn't even have any pictures in it!! 

Me: Oh buddy, this is one of the greatest books ever; and you know what's even more special about it? The pictures are in your head. You can dream anything you can imagine. 

His face looked excited and unsure. Can't wait to see him fall in love with this #story 

Just David by Eleanor Porter copy write 1926


First time he's ever taken anything besides pepperoni and eggs to school (or leftover pizza) 

Whoa! Big deal!! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


(Comes in to brag about some video game accomplishment I don't understand)

I'm either aiding in the creation of a video game mastermind or ruining his life by the amount of time I allow him to play. Time will tell. 

Always in pajamas!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

Even Though

(After melt down-overhears Poppi (P) updating me on the behavior while I was gone.
Loud enough for us to hear)

"I TOOK 17!"
P-Excuse me?
"I took 17 deep breaths!"
P-Okay, you good now? Come talk to me.
"I'm good. Can I get back to my game?"
P-Do you love me?
"I love you. I love you even though..."
P-Even though what?
"Even though I love you."

Pretty sure he rethought that... LOL pretty sure he also needs more time away from video games!


Nonni, I need to tell you something about me. Its just that I need to bathe in the morning like Uncle Hunter and Uncle Kevin. They were just making me jealous of bathing in the morning. An besides my feet need a little bathing because I jus figgered out that they smell like diarrhea. Can you get me bathing?

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Hey Nonni, you should spank my hiney.

Lol I've ruined him! Lol

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


This kid are as much as his uncle hunter

9 nuggets