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Because I never want you to miss a day

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


We have a problem :/

Before I could not get him to go without pants. Now, i can't get him to keep them on!

It was awesome at first! Cute even! 

I was working and next thing I know he walks in the house butt naked.  I asked him to show me where his clothes were-he took me outside to show me "I peed on a wock!"



Next week-
I hear him yelling "Help"
"Help Nonni"
This is what I find.


Then, I will spare you the photos.  I didn't take any! But here is the story:
D-"Nonni-I need a wiiiipe"
"You are naked where is your diaper?"
D-"I put ih in da twash"
"Did you Poop"
D-"on the flooor"
"WHAT? Where? Show me!"
walk to the kitchen
D-"ight dere, dats isgussing"
(Thinking--Oh! Joy! )
Sarcasm with a sweet voice "look it's on your legs and foot. Awesome"
D-"I did it Nonni High five"
and sarcasm backfires! 

Does he look guilty to you?

Then it's quiet, I find him lying on the couch near naptime and see THIS! Yep, peed on my couch.

After this last incident, and each before, he was talked to about keeping your pants on and leaving your pen*s alone. happened, not 30 minutes after our last chat, and I finally had to sp*ank him.  Not harshly, just firmly with another talk about leaving your pen*s alone.

And we have had no further incidents.  Written 1/26/12