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Because I never want you to miss a day

Saturday, June 30, 2012


He couldn't find a person selling "wowwipops"
Riverside Arts Market with Mommy

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hower Ranger

"I a Hower Ranger and I gotta get my mowercycle an weal gun an beat da ba. Guyz"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Went to Daddy's yesterday! Good times! He got new bath toys.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


His party yesterday with his friends was GREAT!

He got to be Super D*!


Super D*'s nemesis Parking Lot Pavement got him!

This was on the way home--

and THIS was this morning!

He was fine when he'd forget--but as soon as he remembered he was struck cripple ;)

Silly boy!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Buzz Yightchur

Magic Words

D: "Nonni say da magic words"
Me: "I don't know the magic words"
D: {a little more intense} "say da magic words
Me: "I don't know the magic words. What are the magic words?"
D: "say dem"
Me: "I don't know them buddy"
D: {sigh} {goes to sit in a chair}
D: I am so pissappointed at you don't know da magic words. So pissappointed"

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Birthday Boy

Put number threes all over the floor. He walked out and said
"What are deez?"

Chic-fil-a for lunch to celebrate with Millie who shares the same birthday.
The cake!
Present from Aunt Aron
Grandma Pattie
Happy Birthday
Best gift ever! From Mommy & Daddy

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Follow up

Visit ti the doctor for a follow up. He has no life threatening allergies. He is improved. Still having 1-2 minor breakouts a day.

Here is D with Spider Man :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This evening
He loves this game!
But prefers to build towers instead of words :/ lol
9:30am he broke out again :( but not bad at all!
Went right away with medicine.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I usually post photos with minimal words...but I don't want to forget the "cuteness"!
Trying to "wean" the toddler from too much tv watching after being sick! HILARITY! 
 9:30am TV goes off and I tell him he will have to wait until after nap for the tv to come back on. He says "Nonni, I tired you just have to put me down to take a rest"
A lot of whining and a little while later---he is playing in the office while I work and he announces "Nonni, I am taking a nap, please be quite (3 seconds later) I wake up and get to watch babies"
Convincing but I don't think so!
As soon as he's up from nap-watches tv show then the tv is off again.

His favorite show is Rugrats; so, I printed some coloring pages and he is carrying them around and playing with them like they are real. It's really cute! Too many cute things to remember something specific. But he did bring his car bin and dump them so Dill could "pway wis dem" "Deez are por Dilly" :) Rotten!  
 Here is a video from later in the day-he has no clothes on so I can keep a constant watch on his skin :)
Dinner time: he says "I want to watch babies" I explain that we don't have the tv on at dinner time unless Poppi is trying to watch the news. He points to the tv and says "Nonni you turn on da news por me" LOL!

TODAY: He is doing better as far as the hives go...just minimal breakout here and there but nothing like he had been experiencing.  I am weaning medication slowly. He has only had 2 minor breakout in the last 24 hours.  So excited to be on the "positive" side of this!
This is today with his "Bes Fwiend Dilly!"
"Deez my itchy boo booz"

Monday, June 11, 2012


:) feeling good and playing games! No hives since yesterday afternoon. It's 8am now. Hope he continues.
No help from me

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Maybe I spoke too soon

Last night about 10:00 pm he started breaking out- I gave him an extra dose of medicine. Itching calmed and he went to bed; 30 minutes later I heard D crying; and I went in and he was swollen, red and itching like fire! I sort of freaked, called the ER, waited a few minutes and I could see the medicine was working. The second pic is 45 min later 12:30am. His breathing was never effected.  He was acting normal. Just scarey to see him so swollen and itchy.

However, today has been nearly hive free! Bonus he got to see daddy!

Hopefully tonight is a better night!
Update: D remained hive free and slept peacefully all night!