Today was supposed to be spent with Daddy; Instead it was spent at the doctor :(
He is allergic to something and the doctor suspects STRAWBERRIES and/or Red Dye
Here are some images of our day.
You will notice how he gets worse-then better with Benedryl.
Here is link to more INFO:
8:30 (hour after Benedryl) |
9:30 |
10:30 |
11:30 (hour after Benedryl) |
12:30 |
He had received the Benedryl but it hadn't kicked in yet
Scared me to death. He was acting fine.
Doctor said next step steroids. |
2:30 (1.5 hour after Benedryl) |
Then there are the LEGS
5am |
7:30am |
10:00am |
10:30am |
11:30am |
We at least know he needs Benedryl every 2 hours. The doctor wanted us to do every 4 hours...but you see what happens if we wait. Next step if he doesn't improve is corticosteroids.