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Because I never want you to miss a day

Monday, November 4, 2013


(D is having a consequence for poor behavior today- he wants to go out front to play with his friends)
(Comes in with a toy wrench in his hand)
When I get that (backyard) gate open I'm going to run away.
Me- ok. Be careful. I love you.
D- I don't need any parents. Jimmy Newtron didn't hab parents.
(Leaves and comes back twice; each time unsuccessful)
Me- you couldn't get the gate open? (No) hmm. I wondered what was gonna happen when you get scared? Who was going to read you a bedtime story?
(Leaves- returns 2 minutes later)
Me- did you get it open?
D- no. I guess you were right. It is a scary world out there.
(All the while all he'd really have to do is walk out the front door- but don't tell him that)